Our Science
Biology of Aging

Over the past decade a growing body of scientific evidence has demonstrated the critical role of senescent cells in driving cellular aging and age-related diseases. By selectively clearing the body and tissues of these cells, while preserving healthy cells, the tissues can rejuvenate and disease progression can be reversed to restore cellular health.
At Rubedo, our Alembic drug discovery platform enables us to identify specific druggable targets and then develop them into therapeutics that selectively target the pathologic cells (such as senescent cells) that drive the process of aging. This allows us to address the fundamental cause of age-related diseases and preserve biological youth.

Alembic Platform
Our proprietary ALEMBIC™ AI-driven drug discovery platform is based on a synergy between sophisticated computational algorithms and chemistry. Rubedo’s differentiated technology is a therapeutic agnostic platform aimed at addressing a wide variety of diseases beyond senescence and aging.

How we are differentiated
The use of single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) and spacial multi-Omics is an important differentiator because it provides the resolution to target specific cell types and changes within these cells. In contrast, other methodologies only identify trends across tissue samples. Furthermore, Multi-Omics technologies at single cell resolution allow for superior and highly specific target identification. Through leveraging a combination of our proprietary AI driven Platform (Alembic) and Chemistry (SenTech), Rubedo is able to develop novel compounds that specifically bind to the diseased cells allowing for increased efficacy and fewer unintended side effects rendering safer therapeutics.